With just one week left in 2015 I naturally find myself looking back at the past year: what it was like, what happened and what it's like now. Last night I was sifting through my gallery of inspirational quotes and I came across this one:
So much has happened in one year... lots of challenges... and LOTS of changes! I had a friend who would describe life's challenges as "opportunities for f#cking growth." The key word there for me is: opportunities. That word implies that I have a choice. During the difficult times I can either [choose to] complain about how much things suck, focus on the negative, play the victim and miss any opportunities for growth. Or I can [choose to] practice acceptance, count my blessings and tell myself "this too shall pass." I'd like to say that I always chose the latter... but I'd be lying. It was a tough year! I did some wallowing. I had (more than) a few pity parties. But somewhere in my brain I knew that if I wanted to be happy I had to make some changes. I heard a version of the serenity prayer once that has always stuck with me: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the person I can, and the wisdom to know IT'S ME." I knew it was time to take an honest look at my life - at myself. I was at the foot of the mountain and I had two choices. I could go around it... or I could climb over it. To go around it would have been easier. It wouldn't have challenged me... and, therefore, would not have changed me (except to make me more depressed and angry) So I chose to climb it - to take an honest look at my life, at myself - knowing that, in the end, the challenge would change me. I'm still climbing! And every step presents an opportunity for [f#cking] growth. And for that I am grateful.